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Data Structure through C

Data Structure through C

Array programs:-

           Programs Using only Function 
  1. Program in C and C++ to create array and display. 
  2. Program in C and C++ to create array and display reverse order. 
  3. Program in C and C++ to find smallest element from an array.
  4. Program in C and C++ to find second smallest element from an array.
  5. Program in C and C++ to find largest element from an array.
  6. Program in C and C++ to find second largest element from an array.
  7. Program in C and C++ to find difference b/w largest and smallest element from an array.
  8. Program in C and C++ to find largest element from an array.

  1.  Write a program in C to count the numbers of positive, negative and zero in an array.
  2. Write a program in C to sort array elements in descending order.
  3. Write a program in C to count the odd or even numbers in given array.
  4. Write a program in C to find sum of all array elements.
  5. Write a program in C to sort array elements in ascending order.
  6. write a program in C to find the separately sum of odd and even numbers in given numbers in array.
  7. Program in C to search given number in an array .
  8. Program in C to insert a number in given position in an array
  9. Program in C to delete an number from an array
  10. Program in C to Find duplicate number in given array and delete.
  11. Program in c++ to find sum of all prime elements of array
  12. Program in c to show the given numbers in array using pointer
  13. Anonymous array in C and C++
  14. Program in C and C++ to accessing array elements in different ways
  15. Program in C and C++ to insert element in an array in sorted order
  16. Program in C to print all prime number from array.
  17. Program in C to delete a given number from given array
  18. Program in C++ Copy the elements of two arrays into third one by one such that one element is copied from 1st array then one element is copied from 2nd array and so on.
  19. Program in C to sum of each two elements of given array insert into another array.
  20. Program in C and C++ to remove duplicate elements from array.
  21. Program in C and C++ to move smallest element in the start position of an array
  22. Program in C and C++ to move largest element in the end of an array
  23. Program in C++ to find smallest prime number from array Using function
  24. Program in C and C++ to find a given number using binary searching method


Stack programs:-

Queue Programs:-

  1.  Program in C and C++ to implement queue Using Array.
  2.  Program in C and C++ to implement queue Using Array second method.
  3.  Program in C  to implement queue Using Structure.
  4.  Program in  C++ to implement queue Using  Class.
  5.  Program in C and C++ to implement queue Using Array and Function.
  6.  Program in C++ to implement queue Using Template feature.

    Linked List

 1 )  Singly Linked List
       1. Program in C to implement singly linked list insert data and display data.
          2.  Program in C to display data of singly linked list in reverse order using recursive function.
 2 ) Doubly Linked List
       1. Program in C to implement doubly linked list insert data and display data.
          2.  Program in C to display data of doubly linked list in reverse order using recursive function.
 3 ) Circular Linked List
       1. Program in C to implement circular linked list insert data and display data.
          2.  Program in C to display data of circular linked list in reverse order using recursive function.

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