Program in C++ to implement queue Using Class.
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; class Queue { private: struct Node{ int data; Node *next; }; Node *front,*rear; int size; public: Queue(){ front=rear=0; //front=rear=NULL; size=0; } void insert(int d); void del(); void show(); int length(); }; void Queue::insert(int d) { Node *newN; newN=new Node[sizeof(Node)]; newN->data=d; newN->next=NULL; if(front==NULL) { front=newN; rear=newN; } else { rear->next=newN; rear=newN; } } void Queue::del() { Node *temp; int d; if(front==NULL){ cout<<"Queue is empty!"; } else { temp=front; d=temp->data; cout<<"\nDelete data = "<<d; front=temp->next; delete temp; } } void Queue::show() { Node *temp; temp=front; while(temp!=NULL) { cout<<" "<<temp->data; temp=temp->next; } } int Queue::length() { Node *temp; int count=0; temp=front; while(temp!=NULL) { count++; temp=temp->next; } return count; } int main() { Queue q1; q1.insert(23); q1.insert(89); q1.insert(56); q1.insert(23); q1.insert(12); q1.insert(17); q1.insert(67); cout<<"Elements of queue ";; cout<<endl<<"Size of queue = "<<q1.length(); q1.del(); }
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