Hi, welcome to my website Programming.OM. My name is Om prakash kartik. This blog helps you to learn programming languages concepts and technique.
program in c to check a number is odd or even using function with enumeration # includ…
Program in C to check a number is Palindrome or not using Function # include < std…
Program in C++ to swap two numbers using Bitwise operator # include < iostream >…
program in c to check a number is prime or not using function # include < stdio.…
program in c to insert a number in given position in an array # include < stdio.h…
Program in C to search given number in an array # include < stdio.h > # include…
program in C to delete an number from an array NOTE : In this source code the elem…
Program in C to Find duplicate number in given array and delete # include < stdi…
Program in C++ to Calculate Age #include < iostream > #include < conio . h >…
Convert Fahrenheit into centigrade # include < iostream > # include < conio.h &g…
Check given number is even or odd using if else statement # include < iostream > # …
Write a program in C to check the given string is palindrome or not. # include < stdio.h…