Program in C and C++ to implement stack Using Structure and Class.
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct stack { int data; struct stack *next; }; typedef struct stack stack; stack *top=NULL; void push(int d) { stack *temp; temp=(stack*)malloc(sizeof(stack)); if(temp==NULL) { printf("\nStact overflow"); return; } temp->data=d; temp->next=top; top=temp; } void pop() { stack *temp; if(top==NULL) { printf(" Stack is empty."); return; } temp=top; printf(" %d",temp->data); top=temp->next; free(temp); } void show() { stack *temp; if(top==NULL) { printf(" Stack is empty."); return; } temp=top; while(temp!=NULL) { printf(" %d",temp->data); temp=temp->next; } } int main() { push(7); push(9); push(79); push(17); push(93); push(49); printf("Elements of stack "); show(); printf("\nDelete data is "); pop(); return 0; }
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; class stack { private: class Node{ public: int data; Node *next; }; Node *top=NULL; int isEmpty() { return top==NULL?0:1; } public: stack() { top=NULL; } ~stack(){ delete top;} void push(int d) { Node *temp,*newNode; newNode=new Node[sizeof(Node)]; newNode->data=d; newNode->next=NULL; if(top==NULL) top=newNode; else{ newNode->next=top; top=newNode; } } int pop() { int d; Node *temp; if(!isEmpty()) cout<<"\nStack is underflow."; else{ temp=top; d=temp->data; top=temp->next; free(temp); } return d; } void show() { Node *temp; if(!isEmpty()) cout<<"\nStack is underflow."; else{ temp=top; while(temp!=NULL) { cout<<" "<<temp->data; temp=temp->next; } } } int Length() { Node *temp; int count=0; temp=top; while(temp!=NULL) { count++; temp=temp->next; } return count; } }; int main() { int i,n,ch; stack s1; s1.push(56); s1.push(33); s1.push(12); s1.push(25); cout<<"Elements of stack ";; cout<<"\nTotal number of stack elements = "<<s1.Length()<<"\n"; cout<<"\nDeleted data "<<s1.pop()<<"\n"; cout<<"Elements of stack ";; return 0; }
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