
Hii, welcome to my site. My name is Om prakash kartik. This blog helps you to learn programming languages concepts.
Showing posts from February, 2019Show all
Write a program in C to count the numbers of positive, negative and zero in an array.
Write a program in C to sort array elements in descending order.
Calculate area and perimeter of the rectangle in C++ program
Calculate area and circumference of the circle in C++ program
Write a program in C to convert given number into word.(1 to 100)
Write a program in C to find the percentage of 5 subject marks,determine the division.
Write a program in C to count the number of digits of a given number.
Write a program in C to reverse the given string.
2018 BCA objective questions of paper II with answer. BRAB university
Switch case statement in C language
Write a program in C to convert decimal into octal number.