
Hii, welcome to my site. My name is Om prakash kartik. This blog helps you to learn programming languages concepts.
Showing posts from January, 2019Show all
Write a program in C to find the transpose of given matrix.
Write a program in C to print month in word.
Write a program in C to find place of given character in given word.
Program in C to print the binary equivalent 1 to nth  number.
 Write a program in C to find the number of characters in given string using pointer.
Write a program in C to count the entered character in given string.
Write a program in C to read multiple string and then print.
Write a program in C to find the number of characters in given string.
 Write a program in C to check that a number entered by the user is Armstrong number.
Write a program in C to print the all prime factors of a given number.
Write a program in C to find odd numbers 1 to any number.   Using continue statement.
Write a program  in C to find sum of all array elements.
Identifiers in C language
Write a program in C to sort array elements in ascending order.
2008 BCA objective questions of paper II with answer. BRAB university.