Tic Tac Toe game program in C language
//Developed by Programming.OM // Tic Tac Toe Game #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<windows.h> #include<ctype.h> void show(int m[][3]) { printf("\t Tic Tac Toe Game\n"); printf("\t _________________\n"); printf("\t| | | |\n"); printf("\t| %c | %c | %c |\n",m[0][0],m[0][1],m[0][2]); printf("\t|_____|_____|_____|\n"); printf("\t| | | |\n"); printf("\t| %c | %c | %c |\n",m[1][0],m[1][1],m[1][2]); printf("\t|_____|_____|_____|\n"); printf("\t| | | |\n"); printf("\t| %c | %c | %c |\n",m[2][0],m[2][1],m[2][2]); printf("\t|_____|_____|_____|\n"); } int main() { int m[3][3]={ 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0 }; int p,s,k,ss,wins=0,full=0,fs; char fstn[6],sndn[6];; printf("Enter name of first player:-"); scanf("%s",fstn); fflush(stdin); printf("and symbol:-"); scanf("%c",&fs); printf("Enter name of second player:-"); scanf("%s",sndn); fflush(stdin); printf("and symbol:-"); scanf("%c",&ss); k=1; while(k<=9) { if(k%2==0) { printf("%s enter your position:-",fstn); scanf("%d",&p); s=toupper(fs); } else { printf("%s enter your position:-",sndn); scanf("%d",&p); s=toupper(ss); } switch(p) { case 1:if(m[0][0]==fs||m[0][0]==ss) k--; else{ full++; m[0][0]=s; } break; case 2:if(m[0][1]==fs||m[0][1]==ss) k--; else { full++; m[0][1]=s; } break; case 3:if(m[0][2]==fs||m[0][2]==ss) k--; else { full++; m[0][2]=s; } break; case 4:if(m[1][0]==fs||m[1][0]==ss) k--; else { full++; m[1][0]=s; } break; case 5:if(m[1][1]==fs||m[1][1]==ss) k--; else { full++; m[1][1]=s; } break; case 6:if(m[1][2]==fs||m[1][2]==ss) k--; else { full++; m[1][2]=s; } break; case 7:if(m[2][0]==fs||m[2][0]==ss) k--; else { full++; m[2][0]=s; } break; case 8:if(m[2][1]==fs||m[2][1]==ss) k--; else { full++; m[2][1]=s; } break; case 9:if(m[2][2]==fs||m[2][2]==ss) k--; else { full++; m[2][2]=s; } break; default:printf("Wrong choice!"); } //winner if(m[0][0]==m[1][1]&&m[0][0]==m[2][2]) { if(m[1][1]!=0&&m[0][0]!=0&&m[2][2]!=0) wins=m[1][1]; } if(m[0][2]==m[1][1]&&m[0][2]==m[2][0]) { if(m[0][2]!=0&&m[1][1]!=0&&m[2][0]!=0) wins=m[1][1]; } if(m[0][0]==m[0][1]&&m[0][0]==m[0][2]) { if(m[0][0]!=0&&m[0][1]!=0&&m[0][2]!=0) wins=m[0][0]; } if(m[0][0]==m[1][0]&&m[0][0]==m[2][0]) { if(m[1][0]!=0&&m[0][0]!=0&&m[2][0]!=0) wins=m[0][0]; } if(m[1][0]==m[1][1]&&m[1][0]==m[1][2]) { if(m[1][1]!=0&&m[1][0]!=0&&m[1][2]!=0) wins=m[1][1]; } if(m[0][1]==m[1][1]&&m[0][1]==m[2][1]) { if(m[1][1]!=0&&m[0][1]!=0&&m[2][1]!=0) wins=m[1][1]; } if(m[0][2]==m[1][2]&&m[0][2]==m[2][2]) { if(m[0][2]!=0&&m[1][2]!=0&&m[2][2]!=0) wins=m[2][2]; } if(m[2][0]==m[2][1]&&m[2][0]==m[2][2]) { if(m[2][0]!=0&&m[2][1]!=0&&m[2][2]!=0) wins=m[2][2]; } system("cls"); if(full==9) { show(m); printf("Match is draw!"); getch(); system("cls"); printf("\nPress any key to exit game!"); getch(); return 0; } if(wins==fs) { show(m); printf("%s is winner!",fstn); getch(); system("cls"); printf("\nPress any key to exit game!"); getch(); return 0; } else if(wins==ss) { show(m); printf("%s is winner!",sndn); getch(); system("cls"); printf("\nPress any key to exit game!"); getch(); return 0; } show(m); k++; } getch(); }
Output :-
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