Program in C & C++ to implements binary search method on Linked list
C Program
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct Node { int data; struct Node *next; }; typedef struct Node Node; Node *head = NULL, *tail = NULL; void insert(int data){ Node *newN; newN = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); newN->data = data; newN->next = NULL; if(head == NULL){ head = tail = newN; } else{ tail->next = newN; tail = newN; } } void show(){ Node *temp; if(head == 0){ printf("List is empty.\n"); } else{ temp = head; while(temp != 0){ printf("%4d",temp->data); temp = temp->next; } } } int length(){ Node *temp; int count = 0; temp = head; while(temp != 0){ count++; temp = temp->next; } return count; } int valueAt(int pos){ Node *temp; int count = 1; if(pos < 1 || pos > length()){ printf("\nInvalid postion"); } temp = head; while(count != pos){ count++; temp = temp->next; } return temp->data; } void sort(){ Node *temp, *i, *j; int temp1; for(temp = head, i = temp; i != 0; i = i->next) { for(j = i->next; j != 0; j = j->next){ if(i->data > j->data){ temp1 = i->data; i->data = j->data; j->data = temp1; } } } } void binarySearch(int data){ Node *temp; sort(); int low = 1, high = length(); int mid = 0; while(low <= high){ mid = (low + high) / 2; if(valueAt(mid) == data){ printf("\n %d is found\n",data); return; } else if( data < valueAt(mid) ){ high = mid - 1; } else { low = mid + 1; } } printf("\n %d is not fount.\n",data); } int main(){ Node l1; insert(19); insert(56); insert(13); insert(78); insert(96); insert(48); insert(85); insert(76); insert(74); insert(35); printf("Elements of Linked list is "); show(); binarySearch(23); return 0; }
C++ Program
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class List { struct Node { int data; Node *next; Node(){ data = 0; next = 0; } Node(int data){ (*this).data = data; next = 0; } ~Node(){ delete next; } }; Node *head = NULL, *tail = NULL; public: List(){ } ~List(){ delete head, tail; } void insert(int data){ Node *newN; newN = new Node(data); if(head == NULL){ head = tail = newN; } else{ tail->next = newN; tail = newN; } } void show(){ Node *temp; if(head == 0){ cout<<"List is empty.\n"; } else{ temp = head; while(temp != 0){ cout<<" "<<temp->data; temp = temp->next; } } } int length(){ Node *temp; int count = 0; temp = head; while(temp != 0){ count++; temp = temp->next; } return count; } int valueAt(int pos){ Node *temp; int count = 1; if(pos < 1 || pos > length()){ cout<<endl<<endl<<"Invalid postion"; } temp = head; while(count != pos){ count++; temp = temp->next; } return temp->data; } void binarySearch(int data){ Node *temp; sort(); // sort function is use to sort List. We know the binary search method is always perform on sorted array, linked list etc. int low = 1, high = length(); int mid = 0; while(low <= high){ mid = (low + high) / 2; if(valueAt(mid) == data){ //Here valueAt(int pos) function return the value at given position cout<<endl<<data<<" is found\n"; return; } else if( data < valueAt(mid) ){ high = mid - 1; } else { low = mid + 1; } } cout<<endl<<data<<" is not fount.\n"; } void sort(){ Node *temp, *i, *j; int temp1; for(temp = head, i = temp; i != 0; i = i->next) { for(j = i->next; j != 0; j = j->next){ if(i->data > j->data){ temp1 = i->data; i->data = j->data; j->data = temp1; } } } } }; int main(){ List l1; l1.insert(68); l1.insert(12); l1.insert(28); l1.insert(23); l1.insert(74); l1.insert(54); cout<<"Elements of Linked list is ";; l1.binarySearch(23); // Call binarySearch function return 0; }
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