Program in C and C++ to count frequency of each character in a string
C Program
#include<stdio.h> void frequency(char *str){ int i, count[26] = {0}; char letters[26] = {0}; i = 0; while((str[i] = tolower(str[i])) != '\0'){ count[ str[i] - 'a' ]++; letters[str[i] - 'a' ] = str[i]; i++; } for(i = 0; i < 26; i++) if(count[i] != 0) printf("%c - %d\n",letters[i],count[i]); } int main(){ char *str = malloc(100); printf("Enter string :- "); gets(str); frequency(str); return 0; }
C++ Program
#include<iostream> using namespace std; void frequency(char *str){ int i, count[26] = {0}; char letters[26] = {0}; i = 0; while((str[i] = tolower(str[i]))!= '\0'){ count[ str[i] - 'a' ]++; letters[str[i] - 'a' ] = str[i]; i++; } for(i = 0; i < 26; i++) if(count[i] != 0) cout<<letters[i]<<" "<<count[i]<<endl; } int main(){ char *str = new char[100]; cout<<"Enter string :- "; cin.getline(str,99); frequency(str); return 0; }
Output :-
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