- An array is collection of homogenous elements/data.
- The symbol of XNOR gate is view.
- Rectangle symbol in a flowchart indicates process.
- The AND operator displays the address of the variables.
- A set of characters is called string.
- We you braces ({,}) symbol at the beginning and end of a C program.
- The modulus (%) operator is used to find the remainder of variable.
- DFD stands for Data Flow Diagram.
- 8 is the base in octal number system.
- The standard library function scanf() is used for input.
- Local variables are decaled within the definition of the function.
- Data Flow Diagram is useful for analyzing existing system.
- The variables are in can’t start with special character.
- C operators can be classified into 8 categories.
- The maximum width of a C variable name can be 32 characters.