
Hii, welcome to my site. My name is Om prakash kartik. This blog helps you to learn programming languages concepts.

2008 BCA objective questions of paper II with answer. BRAB university.

  • Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer :-

  1. An array is collection of homogenous elements/data.
  2. The symbol of XNOR gate is view.
  3. Rectangle symbol in a flowchart indicates process.
  4. The AND operator displays the address of the variables.
  5. A set of characters is called string.
  6. We you braces ({,}) symbol at the beginning and end of a C program.
  7. The modulus (%) operator is used to find the remainder of variable.
  8. DFD stands for Data Flow Diagram.
  9. 8 is the base in octal number system.
  10. The standard library function scanf() is used for input.
  11. Local variables are decaled within the definition of the function.
  12. Data Flow Diagram is useful for analyzing existing system.
  13. The variables are in can’t start with special character.
  14. C operators can be classified into 8 categories.
  15. The maximum width of a C variable name can be 32 characters.

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